Doctor Triumphs in Legal Battle Against Bank Over Faulty CIBIL Score—Critical Lessons Learned

When paying a credit card bill, the minimum expectation is that the issuer will promptly settle your account or notify you of any issues. However, for Dr. Bhalla of South Bombay, the situation took a distressing turn. Despite clearing his credit card debt in 2003, the bank reported him as a defaulter, leading to a … Continue reading Doctor Triumphs in Legal Battle Against Bank Over Faulty CIBIL Score—Critical Lessons Learned

Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Virtual Credit Card

Virtual credit cards (VCCs) are revolutionizing digital transactions in India. Offering enhanced security for online purchases, VCCs serve as a digital counterpart to your physical credit card. Issued by banks, they provide a temporary card number linked to your actual credit card account, offering an additional layer of protection. How to Obtain a Virtual Credit … Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Virtual Credit Card